Aquasafe Lab Studies


Many independent laboratories have tested the properties of AquaSafe’s enzyme. In all cases, bacteria and viruses were eliminated in just 30 seconds. Here is a summary of some of the lab studies: 


The University of Connecticut, in 1995, determined that AquaSafe’s enzymes eliminate, E.coli., pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococcus aureus. 

Trichophyton mentagrophytes 
This fungus, which exists primarily in spore form, causes Athlete’s Foot. In 1995, the University of Connecticut determined that AquaSafe’s enzyme eliminates the spores. They also determined that AquaSafe’s enzyme was more effective at eliminating athletes’ foot fungus than traditional medications. 

Legionella pneumophila 
This microorganism causes Legionnaires’s disease. In 1995, Bio Research Laboratories of Redmond, Washington determined that the AquaSafe eliminates this organism in 30 seconds. A remarkable application for cooling towers. 

This is a deadly disease for dogs. AquaSafe’s enzyme eliminates the parvovirus. The enzyme can be sprayed directly onto the animal and generously sprayed inside kennels without removing the animals. It only benefits the animals skin and coat, because the enzyme biodegrades hard proteins, it also effectively eliminates fleas and their eggs. 

Salmonella choleraesuis 
In 1997, Bio Research Laboratories determined that AquaSafe enzymes eliminates salmonella. This research was done for the meat and poultry industry. 

Product safety 
Product safety tests indicate that all products at user concentration levels are completely safe and do not exhibit any dermal, ocular or oral toxicity. 

Biological oxygen demand 
The Benton-Franklin District Health Department (Richland, Washington) ran a series of tests using the AquaSafe enzyme in 1995. They were unable to get a reliable Biological Oxygen Reading (BOD) because “the oxygen depletion was too great to determine the true BOD.” This means the enzymes were so effective at neutralizing contaminants in the test solution that the test was not able to measure it. AquaSafe has the same BOD rating as chlorine, yet AquaSafe has no toxicity to any living thing, it is 100% harmless to children, pets, fish, birds, reptiles, plants, rivers, lakes, streams and ponds. It harms nothing except germs and viruses, yet has the killing ability of chlorine. 

In 2002, Bio Research Laboratories confirmed that AquaSafe inhibits E.faecium, one of the two leading bacteria found in spa water. 

In 2005, Beta Analytic of Miami, in collaboration with Iowa State University, studied AquaSafe. They determined from radiocarbon dating analysis it is 100% bio-based. 


Acute toxicity to rainbow trout  
Rainbow Trout are very sensitive to toxins in the environment, which is why they are used in toxicity tests. An extensive series of tests with our enzymes revealed a lethal concentration (LC50) figure of 20,341.4 parts per million. In comparison, chlorine has an LC50 figure of 7.4 parts per million. This means the chlorine used to disinfect our drinking water is 316 times more toxic that AquaSafe’s enzymes. What this study tells you is this: fish live in water! They cannot live in pure enzyme alone, but mixed with water in heavy concentrations the enzyme is harmless. Chlorine on the other hand is devastatingly toxic to fish and the environment.